وَيَزِيدُ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ اهْتَدَوْا هُدًى ۗ وَالْبَاقِيَاتُ الصَّالِحَاتُ خَيْرٌ عِنْدَ رَبِّكَ ثَوَابًا وَخَيْرٌ مَرَدًّا “Allah increases in guidance those who accept guidance. And the things that endure—the righteous deeds—have the best reward with your Lord, and the best outcome. (Quran: Sura-Maryam: 76)”
Dear, Assalamu Alaikum, As you may know that Al-Mustafa Open University is an Educational and Cultural institute which was stablished with the aim of disseminating the Islamic Teachings, Humanities and Social sciences. Using the latest technologies in cyberspace, this institute has provided opportunity to acquire knowledge for a vast number of audiences across the world. Currently thousands of students, from various countries, are studying in different Islamic courses of MOU and benefitting from pure teachings of Islam i.e. guidance of the holy Quran and the progeny of Prophet Muhammad (S). Keeping under consideration that one of the ways for fundraising of this International Open University, is through the funds and donations of our respected donors and sponsors, we have introduced a section for collecting donation. It is requested from you and your relatives, to be a part of this significant and devotional initiative, and participate in spreading the teachings of the holy Quran, the progeny of Prophet Muhammad (S), and disseminating peace, spirituality and moralities across the globe.
Your donations will be used in the following fields: - Tuition fees of students in need; - Content development of MOU; - Quranic and spiritual programs; - Technical and construction development of MOU; - Academic and cultural tours of students to Mashhad and Qom; - In a specific field, suggested by the Donors.
قم قم استان: قم، شهرستان : قم، بخش : مرکزی، شهر: قم، محله: بلوار امین، کوچه مصلی قدس جنوبی 6، خیابان مصلی قدس جنوبی، پلاک: 0.0، ساختمان جامعه آل البیت، طبقه: همکف،
© کلیه حقوق برای دانشگاه مجازی المصطفی (ص) محفوظ است